On the very eve of the year 2015, (I find that number incredible even as I type it here), appreciated art needs to catch up to the future it is being created in. The past is past and in order to evolve all around must evolve and keep with current trends and energy. Just as in Rembrandts Rembrandt time, cave drawings were not seen as the holy grail, we need to stop seeing Rembrandt in the year 2015, as the holy grail. Always, always to move forward is good, to dwell in the past, not healthy.
So is it the future? I always thought the year 2015 would be so when I was younger. Thinking back to my youth and imagining my home in the year 2015, what kind of pictures would I expect to see on that futuristic date? What kind of pictures would I want on my wall in 2015. I know I always want to learn and feel and experience new things. I have done the old things bring on the newKathy Mitro
About Me
- Home
- Biography of Artist Katheleen Mitro
- What My Art Means
- My Metaphysical Painting - What Is It? - How Is It Done?
- Large Paintings 3 Feet By 4 Feet
- 18" By 24" Paintings
- Medium Sized Paintings 16" By 20"
- Haiku (Small) Paintings
- Very Small Paintings 8" By 10"
- Mini Haiku (Tiny) Paintings 5" By 7"
- Mini Haiku (Tiny) Paintings Part 2
- Mini-Haiku (Tiny) Paintings Part 3
- Mini-Haiku Paintings Part 4
- Mini-Haiku Part 5
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- Metaphysical Painting in a Nutshell