Embed KATHELEEN MITRO LUXURY ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM ART: When I Swipe Paint on a Canvas I am Melding with the Scene as a Open Channel to Spirit

Thursday, January 21, 2016

When I Swipe Paint on a Canvas I am Melding with the Scene as a Open Channel to Spirit

Independence for Billy Boy - Mitro  (Look for arrow pointing to spirit  in the upper middle of the photo, I also drew a circle around him)
Many ghosts or more correct term spirits, show up in my paintings.
When I swipe paint on a canvas I am melding with the scene, probably with the spirit who is the focus of the picture, as they find an open channel in myself to express themselves
ESP is your energy actually melding with the object of your intention
It is I who is doing everything with my mind and it is natural with no surprise at achievement.
Everything is done with the mind everything.

The Marriage of the Old Masters with Futuristic Art - Mitro   (You can see the spirit playing the brown mandolin in the upper left hand of the painting) ( In reality the Alien and Prince also just popped up in the painting with no intent)