I hung it in my art gallery and it got much immediate visceral response, in other words, it hit people in the gut.
Now we are at a crossroads in our world where truth will prevail or our society will be destroyed.
This time in our world was always meant to come.
Aldous Huxley saw it and worked hurriedly on his deathbed to finish his masterpiece "1984" before he died, to warn the world of the horror awaiting us if we let allow those that seek to pervert truth to prevail.
Just as Huxley created 1984 as an answer to the times we are currently embroiled in, I know now that the same creative urge made me create Truth as the antidote and answer to our current situation.
The Republican Party is actively perverting truth just as Orwell's Ministry of Truth did and we cannot allow them to do so.
They are engaging in an enormous web of lies and deceit meant to destroy the baseline of truth.
We cannot let that happen, if we do, we will allow our world to fall into dystopian nightmare, as Orwell's world did.
We got this.
Truth is truth, always and forever.
Post Script I now know with all my heart this painting was painted in pre-sage knowledge of this exact point in time in which we find ourselves.
Interesting note
The second large painting I completed after completing Truth was Heart.