The cells of our bodies are heuristic machinery that take our beliefs as
blueprints to create our physical body.
Each and every cell in the body is a individual world unto itself, and as such draws from what is given to it, to create what it has learned that it needs,to create it's belief system.
This is why
aging occurs
Cells gradually comes to believe by observation of other's aging, that then leads to belief that all age.
It looks around
It says everybody aging, this way this is the way it's done so It starts drawing and changing its cellular blueprints and builds aging in a firm belief
The way to avoid this is neural pathway training where you create new beliefs
Change your belief and you can change your physical appearance.
So that
is key
About Me
- Home
- Biography of Artist Katheleen Mitro
- What My Art Means
- My Metaphysical Painting - What Is It? - How Is It Done?
- Large Paintings 3 Feet By 4 Feet
- 18" By 24" Paintings
- Medium Sized Paintings 16" By 20"
- Haiku (Small) Paintings
- Very Small Paintings 8" By 10"
- Mini Haiku (Tiny) Paintings 5" By 7"
- Mini Haiku (Tiny) Paintings Part 2
- Mini-Haiku (Tiny) Paintings Part 3
- Mini-Haiku Paintings Part 4
- Mini-Haiku Part 5
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- Metaphysical Painting in a Nutshell