Embed KATHELEEN MITRO LUXURY ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM ART: Picasso said "Painting is not done to decorate walls....or two of the most powerful afirmations to reach enlightenment

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Picasso said "Painting is not done to decorate walls....or two of the most powerful afirmations to reach enlightenment

Truth or The Physical Embodiment of Divine Reality - Mitro

Picasso once said "Painting is not done to decorate walls, it is a tool of war"
Now I would like to rework his quote and state that "My art is not done to decorate walls, it is a tool of enlightenment."
As each generation grows and lives on this earth we are evolving and growing spiritually.
While it was once thought we must fight for our way of life people are now coming to the realization that the tool to living the life we wish to live is firmly within our own control.
As each generation comes closer and closer to enlightenment we have many teachers and guides to help us.
My own art is a result of  decades of my own spiritual studies.
It is soft gentle art always focusing on tools of enlightenment. 
For additional reading I list here four masters of enlightenment teaching along with links to their work.

1. Deepak Chopra Deepak Chopra

2. Neale Donald Walsh Neale Donald Walsh for his Conversations With God books
3. Harv Eker Harv Eker who is just phenomenal and speaks in plain man's English
4. Charles Haanel for his masterpiece book The Master Key System which is available  to read free of charge online. The Master  Key System

I have come to the conclusion two of the most powerful affirmations one can use to reach enlightenment are
1.  I get to choose.
2.  No complaining.