Embed KATHELEEN MITRO LUXURY ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM ART: Mitro Paintings are Reality In the Process of Being- A Vibrational Dance of Current Presence In The Prevailing Moment of Now Laced With Latency for Transformation With a Simple Change of Perspective

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Mitro Paintings are Reality In the Process of Being- A Vibrational Dance of Current Presence In The Prevailing Moment of Now Laced With Latency for Transformation With a Simple Change of Perspective

Circus Circus   3 Feet by 4 Feet
Mitro paintings are ephemeral and light as they are reality in the process of being, with reality inherent in itself being always in a state of permutation
For that reason nothing in the painting is solid, or presented as  a given.
It is instead a ambiguous vibrational  dance of animation, and by being so indefinite making themselves easily available to change with only the singular addition of a new thought energy stream.
Much as you can blink your eyes in physical life and the scene in front of you changes, you may also blink your eyes while viewing these paintings and see a different painting when your eyes open, akin to the clouds constantly morphing as you gaze on them
 When you look at much empty space on a canvas your subjects have room to grow and change as they do in the real world. 
No object in the physical world is solid.
All reality is in a constant flux of change as the energy of thought around it changes, with the resultant change in energy stream bringing about change in form and intention.
So even though my paintings appear to be only suggestion of form, in actuality they are the real reality, as nothing is ever static and done, all is in constant state of fluidity, in a vibrational dance that ebbs and flows.
Alien Creator as A Small Child   3 Feet by 4 Feet
My shapes have only the most subtle suggestion of form, and because they are unformed, lend themselves to  the process of being structured within viewers individual mind and perspective.
There is much empty space in my canvas because life is mostly empty space ready to be filled with form, with the vast majority of it an empty field which leaves room for creation
Bird of Death or The Final Flight of The Human Psyche   3 Feet by 4 Feet
It is the beauty of the simplicity of open space, leaving room for viewer interpolation
Cross   3 Feet by 4 Feet