Embed KATHELEEN MITRO LUXURY ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM ART: Discordant Concepts of Continuity, Lines Drawn in the Air Captured on Canvas or The Soul Sings The Song of Creation

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Discordant Concepts of Continuity, Lines Drawn in the Air Captured on Canvas or The Soul Sings The Song of Creation

Discordant concepts of continuity
constantly play on in the head
a sublime descent into madness
perhaps creative bent instead
to stand and envision without reason
to think alone in the middle of night
to sublimate flights of freedom
and to to continue to fight the fight
alone, all alone with canvas
and to draw in the lines without dread
to know the soul always draws masterpiece
when you refuse posturing to head 

Lines Drawn in the Air Captured on Canvas of Discordant Concepts of Continuity