On the left you will see a beautiful painting "The Goldfish "done by Henry Matisse in the year 1912
below it the painting "Bunny Rabbit on a Mission" done by Katheleen Mitro in 2015
Comparing these paintings side by side we can clearly see goldfish in the Matisse painting in a cylindrical crystal vase.
Now incredibly we look at Mitro's painting and see the same cylindrical crystal vase which she cleverly tries to disguise by giving the vase two eyes.
She did not fool this author for one moment.
Looking closer at her painting, she takes the same goldfish and again tries to disguise the similarities with Matisse by painting only 2 goldfish instead of 4.
Once again her intent to fool falls flat.
Stop the madness.
She goes on to eliminate the Matisse table.
She uses a totally different color scheme.
Will her tomfoolery never end?
As Matisse painted his painting in 1912 and Mitro in 2015 we know without a doubt who the plagiarist is here
Post script;
In a very devious ploy to draw attention away from the plot to copy a masterpiece, the clever use of inserting a sweet innocent bunny rabbit by Mitro must be applauded as a stroke of genius
This is an attempt at humor and all allegations of plagiarism
are totally fabricated. :) - Mitro